265. Thoughts about boosting superconductivity;
Dirk van der Marel;
Physica C: Superconductivity and its Applications 632, 1354688 (2025);
Open Data
264. Superconductivity in metallic hydrogen;
Dirk van der Marel & Christophe Berthod;
Newton 1, 100002 (2025)
Open Data
263. Brightened Optical Transition as Indicator of Multiferroicity in a Layered Antiferromagnet;
Volodymyr Multian, Fan Wu, Dirk van der Marel, Nicolas Ubrig & Jérémie Teyssier;
Advanced Science 2408343 (2025)
262. Ramification of complex magnetism in Nd2Ir2O7 observed by Raman scattering spectroscopy;
Yuanyuan Xu, Yang Yang, Jérémie Teyssier, Takumi Ohtsuki, Yang Qiu, Satoru Nakatsuji, Dirk van der Marel, Natalia B. Perkins & Natalia Drichko;
arXiv:2302.00579 (2023)
261. Signatures of polarized chiral spin disproportionation in rare earth nickelates;
Jiarui Li , Robert J. Green, Claribel Domínguez, Abraham Levitan,
Yi Tseng, Sara Catalano, Jennifer Fowlie, Ronny Sutarto,
Fanny Rodolakis, Lucas Korol, Jessica L. McChesney, John W. Freeland, Dirk Van der Marel, Marta Gibert & Riccardo Comin;
Nature Communications 15, 7427 (2024)
260. Can dd excitations mediate pairing ?;
Francesco Barantani, Christophe Berthod & Dirk van der Marel;
Physica C: Superconductivity and its Applications 613, 1354321 (2023)
Thermal and electrostatic tuning of surface phonon-polaritons in LaAlO3/SrTiO3 heterostructures;
Yixi Zhou, Adrien Waelchli, Margherita Boselli, Iris Crassee, Adrien Bercher, Weiwei Luo, Jiahua Duan, J.L.M. van Mechelen, Dirk van der Marel, Jérémie Teyssier, Carl Willem Rischau, Lukas Korosec, Stefano Gariglio, Jean-Marc Triscone & Alexey B. Kuzmenko;
Nature Communications 14, 7686 (2023)
258. Reconciling scaling of the optical conductivity of cuprate superconductors with Planckian resistivity and specific heat;
B. Michon, C. Berthod, C. W. Rischau, A. Ataei, L. Chen, S. Komiya, S. Ono, L. Taillefer, D. van der Marel & A. Georges;
Nature Communications 14, 3033 (2023)
Open Data
257. The Physics of Music;
Dirk van der Marel;
Communications de la SSP 69, 41 (2023)
256. Resonant Inelastic X-ray Scattering Study of Electron-Exciton Coupling in High-Tc Cuprates;
F. Barantani, M. K. Tran, I. Madan, I. Kapon, N. Bachar, A. T. C. Asmara, E. Paris, Y. Tseng, W. Zhang, Y. Hu, E. Giannini, G. Gu, T. P. Devereaux, C. Berthod, F. Carbone, T.Schmitt & D. van der Marel;
Physical Review X 12, 021068 (2022)
Open Data
255. Charge-Transfer and dd excitations in AgF2;
Nimrod Bachar, Kacper Koteras, Jakub Gawraczynski, Waldemar Trzciński, Józef Paszula, Riccardo Piombo, Paolo Barone, Zoran Mazej, Giacomo Ghiringhelli, Abhishek Nag, Ke-Jin Zhou, José Lorenzana, Dirk van der Marel & Wojciech Grochala;
Physical Review Research 4, 023108 (2022)
Open Data
254. Magnetic field tuning of the valley population in the Weyl phase of Nd2Ir2O7;
Itzik Kapon, Carl Willem Rischau, Bastien Michon, Kai Wang, Bing Xu, Qiu Yang, Satoru Nakatsuji & Dirk van der Marel;
Physical Review Research 4, 023056 (2022)
Open Data
253. Room-temperature superconductivity – or not? Comment on Nature 586, 373 (2020) by E. Snider et al.* ;
Dirk van der Marel & Jorge E Hirsch ;
International Journal of Modern Physics B 37, 2375001 (2023)
*Editors Pick.
Open Data
252. Incompatibility of published ac magnetic susceptibility of a room temperature superconductor with measured raw data* ;
Jorge E Hirsch & Dirk van der Marel ;
Matter and Radiation at Extremes 7, 048401 (2022)
*MRE Best Paper Award
251. Isotope tuning of the superconducting dome of strontium titanate;
C. W. Rischau, D. Pulmannova, G. W. Scheerer, A. Stucky, E. Giannini & D. van der Marel;
Physical Review Research 4, 013019 (2022)
Open Data
250. Spectral weight of hole-doped cuprates across the pseudogap critical point;
B. Michon, A. B. Kuzmenko, M. K. Tran, B. McElfresh, S. Komiya, S. Ono, S. Uchida & D. van der Marel;
Physical Review Research 3, 043125 (2021)
Open Data
249. Raman spectroscopic evidence for multiferroicity in rare earth nickelate single crystals;
I. Ardizzone, J. Teyssier, I. Crassee, A. B. Kuzmenko, D. G. Mazzone, D. J. Gawryluk, M. Medarde & D. van der Marel;
Physical Review Research 3, 033007 (2021)
Open Data
Physical Research Journal Club
248. Pressure-induced structural transitions triggering dimensional crossover in the lithium purple bronze Li0.9Mo6O17;
M. K. Tran, A. Akrap, J. Levallois, J. Teyssier, P. Schouwink, C. Besnard, P. Lerch, J. W. Allen, M. Greenblatt & D. van der Marel;
Physical Review B 103, 235124 (2021)
Open Data
247. Tantalates Transcend Titanates;
D. van der Marel;
Journal Club for Condensed Matter Physics
246. Propagation of shear stress in strongly interacting metallic Fermi liquids enhances transmission of terahertz radiation;
D. Valentinis, J. Zaanen & D. van der Marel;
Scientific Reports 11, 7105 (2021)
245. Strain tuning of interorbital correlations in LaVO3 thin films;
H. Meley, M. Tran, J. Teyssier, J. A. Krieger, T. Prokscha, A. Suter, Z. Salman, M. Viret, D. van der Marel, and S. Gariglio;
Physical Review B 103, 125112 (2021)
244. Philip W. Anderson, a pioneer in modern condensed matter physics;
Thierry Giamarchi, Dirk van der Marel, Gabriel Aeppli, Bertram Batlogg & Manfred Sigrist;
Milestones in Physics 21, Communications de la SSP 62, 27 (2020)
243. Optical properties of LaNiO3 films tuned from compressive to tensile strain;
I. Ardizzone, M. Zingl, J. Teyssier, H. U. R. Strand, O. Peil, J. Fowlie, A. B. Georgescu, S. Catalano, N. Bachar, A. B. Kuzmenko, M. Gibert, J.-M. Triscone, A. Georges & D. van der Marel;
Physical Review B 102, 155148 (2020)
Open Data
242. Ferroelectricity, Superconductivity, and SrTiO3 – Passions of K.A. Müller;
G. Scheerer, M. Boselli, D. Pulmannova, W. Rischau , A. Waelchli, S. Gariglio, E. Giannini , D. van der Marel &J.-M. Triscone ;
Condensed Matter 5, 60 (2020)
241. Unconventional free charge in the correlated semimetal Nd2Ir2O7;
K. Wang, B. Xu, C. W. Rischau, N. Bachar, B. Michon, J. Teyssier, Y. Qiu, T. Ohtsuki, Bing Cheng, N. P. Armitage, S. Nakatsuji & D. van der Marel;
Nature Physics (2020)
Open Data
240. Manifestation of structural Higgs and Goldstone modes in the hexagonal manganites;
Q. N. Meier, A. Stucky, J. Teyssier, S. M. Griffin, D. van der Marel & N. A. Spaldin;
Physical Review B, 102(1), 014102 (2020)
239. Possible mechanism for superconductivity in doped SrTiO3;
D. van der Marel, F. Barantani & C. W. Rischau;
Physical Review Research 1, 013003 (2019)
238. High sensitivity variable-temperature infrared nanoscopy of conducting oxide interfaces;
W. Luo, M. Boselli, J.-M. Poumirol, I. Ardizzone, J. Teyssier, D. van der Marel, S. Gariglio, J.-M. Triscone & A. B. Kuzmenko;
Nature Communications 10, 2774 (2019)
237. Mott transition and collective charge pinning in electron doped Sr2IrO4;
K. Wang, N. Bachar, J. Teyssier, W. Luo, C. W. Rischau, G. Scheerer, A. de la Torre, R. S. Perry F. Baumberger & D. van der Marel;
Physical Review B 98, 045107 (2018)
Open Data
236. Order on Command;
D. van der Marel;
Physics 10, 127 (2017)
235. Modulation of the superconducting critical temperature due to quantum confinement at the LaAlO3/SrTiO3 interface;
D. Valentinis, S. Gariglio, A. Fête, J.-M. Triscone, C. Berthod & D. van der Marel;
Physical Review B 96, 094518 (2017)
234. Impact of antiferromagnetism on the optical properties of rare earth nickelates;
J. Ruppen, J. Teyssier, I. Ardizzone. O. E. Peil, S. Catalano, M. Gibert, J. M. Triscone, A. Georges & D. van der Marel;
Physical Review B 96, 045120 (2017)
233. Multiband superconductivity due to the electron – LO-phonon interaction in strontium titanate and on a SrTiO3/LaAlO3 interface;
S. N. Klimin, J. Tempere , J. T. Devreese & D. van der Marel;
Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism, 30, 757 (2017)
232. Isotope effect in superconducting n-doped SrTiO3;
A. Stucky, G. Scheerer, Z. Ren, D. Jaccard, J.-M. Poumirol, C. Barreteau, E. Giannini & D. van der Marel;
Scientific Reports 6, 37582 (2016)
231. Detailed optical spectroscopy of the hybridization gap and the hidden order transition in high quality URu2Si2 single crystals;
N. Bachar, D. Stricker, S. Muleady, K. Wang, J. A. Mydosh, Y. K. Huang & D. van der Marel;
Physical Review B 94, 235101 (2016)
230. Temperature-dependent ellipsometry measurements of partial Coulomb energy in superconducting cuprates;
J. Levallois, M. K. Tran, D. Pouliot, C. N. Presura, L. H. Greene, J. N. Eckstein,J. Uccelli, E. Giannini, G. D. Gu, A. J. Leggett & D. van der Marel;
Physical Review X 6, 031027 (2016)
Open Data
229. Magneto-optical signature of massless Kane electrons in Cd3As2;
A. Akrap, M. Hakl, S. Tchoumakov, I. Crassee, J. Kuba, M. O. Goerbig, C. C. Homes, O. Caha, J. Novak, F. Teppe, W. Desrat, S. Koohpayeh, Liang Wu, N. P. Armitage, A. Nateprov, E. Arushanov, Q. D. Gibson, R. J. Cava, D. van der Marel, B. A. Piot, C. Faugeras, G. Martinez, M. Potemski & M. Orlita;
Physical Review Letters 117, 136401 (2016)
228. Optical Properties of Correlated Electrons;
D. van der Marel, in Schriften der Forschungszentrums Jülich, Reihe Modeling and Simulation 6, « Quantum Materials: Experiments and Theory », E. Pavarini, E. Koch, J. van den Brink and G. A. Sawatzky Editors (2016); ISBN 978-3-95806-159-0.
227. Suppressed magnetic circular dichroism and valley-selective magneto-absorption due to the effective mass anisotropy in bismuth;
P.J. de Visser, J. Levallois, M. K. Tran, J.-M. Poumirol, I.O. Nedoliuk, J. Teyssier, C. Uher, D. van der Marel & A.B. Kuzmenko
Physical Review Letters 117, 017402 (2016)
226. Quantum-matter physics: Quasiparticles on a collision course;
D. van der Marel;
Nature 533, 186 (2016)
225. Jahn-Teller induced nematic orbital order in tetragonal Sr2VO4;
J. Teyssier, E. Giannini, A. Stucky, R. Cerny, M. V. Eremin & D. van der Marel;
Physical Review B, 93, 125138 (2016) doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.93.125138.
224. Rise and fall of shape resonances in thin films of BCS superconductors;
D. Valentinis, D. van der Marel & C. Berthod;
Physical Review B 94, 054516 (2016)
223. BCS superconductivity near the band edge: exact results for one and several bands;
D. Valentinis, D. van der Marel & C. Berthod;
Physical Review B 94, 024511 (2016)
222. Optical spectroscopy and the nature of the insulating state of rare-earth nickelates;
J. Ruppen, J. Teyssier, O.E. Peil, S. Catalano, M. Gibert, J. Mravlje, J.-M. Triscone, A. Georges & D. van der Marel;
Physical Review B 92 (15), 155145 (2015)
221. Versatile setup for optical spectroscopy under high pressure and low temperature;
M.K. Tran, J. Levallois, A. Akrap, J. Teyssier, A.B. Kuzmenko, F. Levy-Bertrand, R. Tediosi, M. Brandt, Ph. Lerch & D. van der Marel;
Reviews of Scientific Instruments 86 (10), 105102 (2015)
220. Photonic crystals cause active colour change in chameleons;
J.Teyssier, S. V. Saenko, D. van der Marel& M. C. Milinkovitch;
Nature Communications 6, 6368 (2015)
219. Optical Properties of Correlated Electrons;
D. van der Marel;
Strongly Correlated Systems,Experimental Techniques, pp 269-296 (2015) (Editors: Adolfo Avella, Ferdinando Mancini), Springer Series in Solid-State Sciences, volume 180
218. Shining light on CuO for exploring high-Tc multiferroics;
A. Stucky, A. Ubaldini, J. Levallois, M.K. Tran, D. van der Marel, E. Giannini;
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 566, 012012 (2014)
217. Fate of quasiparticles in the superconducting state;
S.V. Dordevic, D. van der Marel, and C.C. Homes;
Physical Review B 90, 174508 (2014)
216. Electromagnetic properties of viscous charged fluids;
D. Forcella, J. Zaanen, D. Valentinis, D. van der Marel;
Physical Review B 90, 035143 (2014)
215. Optical response of Sr2RuO4 reveals universal Fermi-liquid scaling and quasiparticles beyond Landau theory;
D. Stricker, J. Mravlje, C. Berthod, R. Fittipaldi, A. Vecchione, A.Georges, and D. van der Marel;
Physical Review Letters 113, 087404 (2014)
214. An optical twist for triplet superconductors;
D. van der Marel and G. A. Sawatzky;
Science 345, 138 (2014)
213. Photo enhanced antinodal conductivity in the pseudogap state of high Tc cuprates;
F. Cilento, S. Dal Conte, G. Coslovich, S. Peli, N. Nembrin, S. Mor, F.Banfi, G. Ferrini, H. Eisaki, M.K. Chan, C. Dorow, M. Veit, M. Greven, D. vander Marel, R. Comin, A. Damascelli, L. Rettig, U. Bovensiepen, M. Capone, C.Giannetti, F. Parmigiani;
Nature Communications 5, 1 (2014)
212. Optical properties of BiTeBr and BiTeCl;
A. Akrap, J. Teyssier, A. Magrez, P. Bugnon, H. Berger, A. B. Kuzmenko,and D. van der Marel;
Physical Review B 90, 035201 (2014)
211. Interface superconductivity in LaAlO3-SrTiO3 heterostructures;
S. N. Klimin, J. Tempere, J. T. Devreese, D. van der Marel;
Physical Review B 89, 184514 (2014)
210. Magnetoplasmon resonances in polycrystalline bismuth as seen via time-domain terahertz spectroscopy;
J. Levallois, P. Chudzinski, J. N. Hancock, A. B. Kuzmenko and D. van der Marel;
Physical Review B 89, 155123 (2014)
209. Infrared- and Raman-Spectroscopy Measurements of a Transition in the Crystal Structure and a Closing of the Energy Gap of BiTeI under Pressure;
M. K. Tran, J. Levallois, P. Lerch, J. Teyssier, A. B. Kuzmenko, G.Autès, O. V. Yazyev, A. Ubaldini, E. Giannini, D. van der Marel, and A. Akrap;
Physical Review Letters 112, 047402 (2014)
208. Interface superconductivity: Pinning the critical temperature;
D. van der Marel;
Nature Materials 12, 875 (2013)
207. Precise colocalization of interacting structural and pigmentary elements generates extensive color pattern variationin Phelsuma lizards;
S. V. Saenko, J. Teyssier, D. van der Marel, M. C. Milinkovitch;
BMC Biology 11, 105 (2013)
206. In search for the pairing glue in cuprates bynon-equilibrium optical spectroscopy;
F Cilento, S Dal Conte, G Coslovich, F Ban, G Ferrini, H Eisaki, MGreven, A Damascelli, D. van der Marel, F. Parmigiani and C Giannetti;
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 449, 012003 (2013)
205. Spectroscopic evidence for Fermi liquid-likeenergy and temperature dependence of the relaxation rate in the pseudogap phase of the cuprates;
S. I. Mirzaei, D. Stricker, J.N. Hancock, C. Berthod, A. Georges, E. vanHeumen, M. K. Chan, X. Zhao, Y. Li, M. Greven, N. Barisic, D. van der Marel;
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110(15):5774-5778 (2013)
204. Non-Drude universal scaling laws for the optical response of local Fermi liquids;
C. Berthod, J.Mravlje, X. Deng, R. Zitko, D.van der Marel, and A.Georges;
Physical Review B 87, 115109 (2013)
203. Electron spin resonance and exchange paths in the orthorhombic dimer system Sr2VO4;
J. Deisenhofer, S. Schaile, J. Teyssier, Zhe Wang, M. Hemmida, H.-A. Krugvon Nidda, R. M. Eremina, M. V. Eremin, R. Viennois, E. Giannini, D. van der Marel, and A. Loidl;
Physical Review. B 86, 214417 (2012)
202. Infrared spectroscopy of hole-doped ABA-stacked trilayer graphene;
N. Ubrig, P. Blake, D. van der Marel, A. Kuzmenko;
Europhysics Letters100, 58003 (2012)
201. Na2IrO3 as a Novel Relativistic Mott Insulator with a 340-meV Gap;
R. Comin, G. Levy, B. Ludbrook, Z.-H. Zhu, C. N. Veenstra, J. A. Rosen,Yogesh Singh, P. Gegenwart, D. Stricker, J. N. Hancock, D. van der Marel, I. S.Elfimov, and A. Damascelli;
Physical Review Letters 109, 266406 (2012)
200. Optical properties of Bi2Te2Se at ambient and high pressures;
Ana Akrap, Michael Tran, Alberto Ubaldini, J. Teyssier, Enrico Giannini,Dirk van der Marel, Philippe Lerch, Christopher C. Homes;
Physical Review B 86, 235207 (2012)
199. Microscopic mechanisms for the Fermi-liquid behavior of Nb-doped strontium titanate;
S. N. Klimin, J. Tempere, D. van der Marel, and J. T. Devreese;
Physical Review B 86, 045113 (2012)
198. Disentangling the Electronic and Phononic Glue in a High-T-c Superconductor;
S. Dal Conte, C. Giannetti, G. Coslovich, F. Cilento, D. Bossini, T.Abebaw, F. Banfi, G. Ferrini, H. Eisaki, M. Greven, A. Damascelli, D. van der Marel, F. Parmigiani;
Science 335, 1600-1603 (2012)
197. Alternating spin-orbital order in tetragonal Sr2VO4;
M.V. Eremin, J. Deisenhofer, R. M. Eremina, J. Teyssier, D. van der Marel, A. Loidl;
Physical Review B 84, 202407 (2011)
196. Viewpoint: Susceptible to Pairing;
D. van der Marel and J. N. Hancock;
Physics 4, 89 (2011)
195. Optical study of phonons and electronic excitations in tetragonal Sr2VO4;
J. Teyssier, R. Viennois, E. Giannini, R. M. Eremina, A. G. Gunter, J.Deisenhofer, M. V. Eremin, D. van der Marel;
Physical Review B 84, 205130 (2011)
194. Common Fermi-liquid origin of T-squared resistivity and superconductivity in n-type SrTiO3;
D. van der Marel, J. L. M. van Mechelen, I. I. Mazin;
Physical Review B 84, 205111 (2011)
193. Surface state charge dynamics of a high-mobility three dimensional topological insulator;
J. N. Hancock, J. L. M. van Mechelen, A. B. Kuzmenko, D. van der Marel,C. Brune, E. G. Novik, G. V. Astakhov, H. Buhmann, L. W. Molenkamp;
Physical Review Letters 107, 136803 (2011)
192. Multicomponent magneto-optical conductivity of multilayer graphene on SiC;
I. Crassee, J. Levallois, D. van der Marel, A. L. Walter, Th. Seyller,and A. B. Kuzmenko;
Physical Review B 84, 035103 (2011)
191. Spin resonance in EuTiO3 probed by time-domain GHz ellipsometry;
J.L.M. van Mechelen, D. van der Marel, I. Crassee, and T. Kolodiazhnyi;
Physical Review Letters 106, 217601 (2011)
190. Revealing the high-energy electronic excitations underlying the onset of high-temperature superconductivity in cuprates;
C. Giannetti, F. Cilento, S. Dal Conte, G. Coslovich, G. Ferrini, H. J.Molegraaf, M. Raichle, R. Liang, H. Eisaki, M. Greven, A. Damascelli, D. vander Marel and F. Parmigiani;
Nature Communications 2, 353 (2011)
189. Heikes heritage;
D. van der Marel and M. Golden;
Nature Physics 7, 377 (2011)
188. Superconductivity: Beware of the pseudogap;
D. van der Marel;
Nature Physics 7, 10 (2011)
187. Electrodynamics of Correlated Electron Materials;
D. N. Basov, R. D. Averitt, D. van der Marel, M. Dressel, and K. Haule;
Reviews of Modern Physics, 83, 471 (2011)
186. Giant Faraday rotation in single- and multilayer graphene;
I. Crassee, J. Levallois, A. L. Walter, M. Ostler, A. Bostwick, E.Rotenberg, T. Seyller, D. van der Marel, A. B. Kuzmenko;
Nature Physics 7, 48 (2011)
185. Optical conductivity and superconductivity in LaSb2;
J. F. DiTusa, V. Guritanu, S. Guo, D. P. Young, P. W. Adams, R. G.Goodrich, J. Y. Chan, D. van der Marel;
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 273 (2011) 012151
184. Hybridization gap and anisotropic far-infrared optical conductivity of URu2Si2;
J. Levallois, F. Levy-Bertrand, M. K. Tran, J.A. Mydosh, Y.-K. Huang, D.van der Marel;
Physical Review 84, 184420 (2011)
183. Spin Glass ground state in Mn1-xCoxSi;
J. Teyssier, E. Giannini, V. Guritanu, R. Viennois, D. van der Marel, A.Amato, S. N. Gvasaliya;
Physical Review B 82, 064417 (2010)
182. Two-dimensional orbital ordering in d1 Mott insulator Sr2VO4;
R. Viennois, E. Giannini, J. Teyssier, J. Elia, J. Deisenhofer, D. Vander Marel;
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 200 (2010) 012219
181. High-energy magnon dispersion demonstrate extended interactions in undoped cuprates;
M. Guarise, B. Dalla Piazza, M. Moretti Sala, G. Ghiringhelli, L.Braicovich, H. Berger, J.N. Hancock, D. van der Marel, T. Schmitt, V.N.Strocov, L.J.P. Ament, J. van den Brink, P.-H. Lin, P. Xu, H.M. Ronnow, M.Grioni;
Physical Review Letters 105, 157006 (2010)
180. Strong coupling to magnetic fluctuations in the charge dynamics of Fe-based superconductors;
J. N. Hancock, S. I. Mirzaei, J. Gillett, S. E. Sebastian, J. Teyssier,R. Viennois, E. Giannini, D. van der Marel;
Physical Review B 82, 014523 (2010)
179. Evidence for core-hole-mediated inelastic X-ray scattering from metallic Fe1.087Te;
J. N. Hancock, R. Viennois, D. van der Marel, H. M. Rønnow, M. Guarise,P.-H. Lin, M. Grioni, M. Moretti Sala, G. Ghiringhelli, V. N. Strocov, J.Schlappa, T. Schmitt;
Physical Review B Rapid Communications 82, R020513 (2010)
178. Optical properties of BaFe2-xCoxAs2;
E. van Heumen, Y. Huang, S. de Jong, A. B. Kuzmenko, M. S. Golden and D.van der Marel;
Euro Physics Letters, 90, 37005 (2010)
177. Infrared Conductivity of Elemental Bismuth under Pressure: Evidence for an Avoided Lifshitz-Type Semimetal-Semiconductor Transition;
N. P. Armitage, Riccardo Tediosi, F. Levy, E. Giannini, L. Forro, and D.van der Marel;
Physical Review Letters 104, 237401 (2010)
176. Many-body large polaron optical conductivity in SrTi1-xNbxO3;
J. T. Devreese, S. N. Klimin, J. L. M. van Mechelen, and D. van der Marel;
Physical Review B 81, 125119 (2010)
175. Effect of Fe excess on Structural, Magnetic and Superconducting Properties of Single-Crystalline Fe1+xTe1-ySey;
R. Viennois, E. Giannini, D. van der Marel, and R. Cerny;
Journal of Solid State Chemistry 183, 769 (2010)
174. Strong energy& momentum dispersion of phonon-dressed carriers in the lightly doped band insulator SrTiO3;
W. Meevasana, X. J. Zhou, B. Moritz, C.-C. Chen, R. H. He, S.-I.Fujimori, D. H. Lu, S-K Mo, R. G. Moore, F. Baumberger, T. P. Devereaux, D. vander Marel, N. Nagaosa, J. Zaanen, and Z.-X. Shen;
New Journal of Physics 12, 023004 (2010)
173. BiOCuS: A new superconducting compound with oxypnictide-related structure;
A. Ubaldini, E. Giannini, C. Senatore, D. van der Marel;
Physica C 470, S356 (2010)
172. Seebeck effect in Fe1+xTe1-ySey single crystals;
I. Pallecchi, G. Lamura, M. Tropeano, M. Putti, R. Viennois, E. Giannini,and D. Van der Marel;
Physical Review B 80, 214511 (2009)
171. Determination of the gate-tunable band gapand tight-binding parameters in bilayer graphene using infrared spectroscopy;
A. B. Kuzmenko, I. Crassee, D. van der Marel, P. Blake, and K. S.Novoselov;
Physical Review B 80, 165406 (2009)
170. Gate Tunable Infrared Phonon Anomalies inBilayer Graphene;
A. B. Kuzmenko, L. Benfatto, E. Cappelluti, I. Crassee, D. van der Marel,P. Blake, K. S. Novoselov, and A. K. Geim;
Physical Review Letters 103, 116804 (2009)
169. Magnetoelectric Effects in Complex Oxideswith Competing Ground States;
H. J. A. Molegraaf, J. Hoffman, C. A. F. Vaz, S. Gariglio, D. van der Marel, C. H. Ahn, and J. M. Triscone;
Advanced Materials 21, 3470 (2009)
168. Evidence for strongly coupled charge-density-wave ordering in three-dimensional R5Ir4Si10 compounds from optical measurements;
R. Tediosi, F. Carbone, A. B. Kuzmenko, J. Teyssier, D. van der Marel,and J. A. Mydosh;
Physical Review B 80, 035107 (2009)
167. Optics clues to pairing glues in high Tc cuprates;
E. van Heumen, A.B. Kuzmenko, D. van der Marel;
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 150, 052278 (2009)
166. Doping-dependent optical properties of Bi2201;
E. van Heumen, W Meevasana, A B Kuzmenko, H Eisaki and D van der Marel;
New Journal of Physics 11, 055067 (2009)
165. Optical determination of the relation between the electron-boson coupling function and the critical temperature in high-Tc cuprates;
E. van Heumen, E. Muhlethaler, A. B. Kuzmenko, H. Eisaki, W. Meevasana,M. Greven, and D. van der Marel;
Physical Review B 79, 184512 (2009)
164. Infrared spectroscopy of electronic bands in bilayer graphene;
A. B. Kuzmenko, E. van Heumen, and D. van der Marel, P. Lerch, P. Blake,K. S. Novoselov, and A. K. Geim;
Physical Review B 79, 115441 (2009)
163. Optical Evidence for Symmetry Changes above the Néel Temperature of KCuF3;
J. Deisenhofer, I. Leonov, M. V. Eremin, Ch. Kant, P. Ghigna, F. Mayr, V.V. Iglamov, V. I. Anisimov, and D. van der Marel;
Physical Review Letters 101, 157406 (2008)
162. Optical spectra of the heavy fermion uniaxial ferromagnet UGe2;
V. Guritanu, N. P. Armitage, R. Tediosi, S. S. Saxena, A. Huxley, and D.van der Marel;
Physical Review B 78, 172406 (2008)
161. Electron-phonon interaction and charge carrier mass enhancement in SrTiO3;
J.L.M. van Mechelen, D. van der Marel, C. Grimaldi, A.B. Kuzmenko, N.P.Armitage, N. Reyren, H. Hagemann, I.I. Mazin;
Physical Review Letters 100, 226403 (2008)
160. Universal optical conductance of graphite;
A. B. Kuzmenko, E. van Heumen, F. Carbone, and D. van der Marel;
Physical Review Letters 100, 117401 (2008)
159. On the importance of the electron-phonon coupling function on the superconducting transition temperature in dodecaboride superconductors: A comparison of LuB12 with ZrB12;
J. Teyssier, R. Lortz, A. Petrovic, D. van der Marel, V. Filippov, N.Shitsevalova;
Physical Review B 78, 134504 (2008)
158. Experimental and first principle calculation of CoxNi(1-x)Si solid solution structural stability;
J. Teyssier, R. Viennois, J. Salamin, E. Giannini, D. van der Marel;
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 465, 462 (2008)
157. Optical probes of electron correlations in solids;
E; van Heumen, and D. van der Marel;
in « Lectures on the Physics of Strongly Correlated Systems XI. EleventhTraining Course in the Physics of Strongly Correlated Systems », Edited by A.Avella and F. Manzini, American Institute of Physics 978-0-7354-0428-1/07(2007)
156. Optical integral in the cuprates and the question of sum-rule violation;
M. R. Norman, A. V. Chubukov, E. van Heumen, A. B. Kuzmenko, D. van der Marel;
Physical Review B Rapid Communications 76, R220509 (2007)
155. Magnetic Excitations of the 2-D Sm Spin Layers in Sm(La,Sr)CuO4;
F. Ronning, C. Capan, N.O. Moreno, J.D. Thompson, L.N. Bulaevskii, R.Movshovich, D. van der Marel;
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 310, E392-E393 (2007)
154. Optical evidence for heavy charge carriers in FeGe;
V. Guritanu, D. van der Marel, J. Teyssier, T. Jarlborg, H. Wilhelm, M.Schmidt, F. Steglich;
Physical Review B 75, 155114 (2007)
153. Model-Independent Sum Rule Analysis Based on Limited-Range Spectral Data;
A.B. Kuzmenko, D. van der Marel, F. Carbone, F. Marsiglio;
New J. Phys. 9, 229 (2007)
152. Charge carrier interaction with a purely electronic collective mode: Plasmarons and the infrared response of elemental bismuth;
R. Tediosi, N. P. Armitage, E. Giannini, D. van der Marel;
Physical Review Letters 99, 016406 (2007)
151. Optical signatures of momentum-dependent hybridization of the local moments and conduction electrons in Kondo lattices;
K. S. Burch, S. V. Dordevic, F. P. Mena, A. B. Kuzmenko, D. van der Marel , J. L. Sarrao, J. R. Jeffries, E. D. Bauer, M. B. Maple, and D. N. Basov;
Physical Review B 75, 054523 (2007)
150. Optical and thermodynamic properties of the high-temperature superconductor HgBa2CuO4+;
E. van Heumen, R. Lortz, A.B. Kuzmenko, F. Carbone, D. van der Marel, X.Zhao, G. Yu, Y. Cho, N. Barisic, M. Greven, C.C. Homes, S. V. Dordevic;
Physical Review B 75, 054522 (2007)
149. Optical properties and electronic structure of ZrB12;
J. Teyssier, A. B. Kuzmenko, D. van der Marel, F. Marsiglio, V. Filippov,N. Shitsevalova;
Physical Review B 75, 134503 (2007)
148. Intraband Optical Spectral Weight in the presence of a van Hove singularity: application to Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+;
F. Marsiglio, F. Carbone, A. Kuzmenko, D. van der Marel;
Physical Review B 74, 174516 (2006)
147. Electrons living apart together;
D. van der Marel;
Nature Physics 2, 585 (2006)
146. Doping dependence of the redistribution of optical spectral weight in Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+;
F. Carbone, A. B. Kuzmenko, H. J. A. Molegraaf, E. van Heumen, V.Lukovac, F. Marsiglio, D. van der Marel, K. Haule, G. Kotliar, H. Berger, S.Courjault, P. H. Kes, and M. Li;
Physical Review B 74, 064510 (2006)
145. In-plane optical spectral weight transfer in optimally doped Bi2Sr2Ca2Cu3O10;
F. Carbone, A. B. Kuzmenko, H. J. A. Molegraaf, E. van Heumen, E.Giannini, D. van der Marel;
Physical Review B 74, 024502 (2006)
144. Scaling properties of the optical conductivity of Bi-based cuprates;
D. van der Marel, F. Carbone, A. B. Kuzmenko, and E. Giannini;
Annals of Physics 321, 1716 (2006)
143. Puzzles about 1/8 magic doping in cuprates;
D.L. Feng, Z.-X. Shen, X.J. Zhou, K.M. Shen, D.H. Lu, and D. van der Marel;
Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 67,198 (2006)
142. Optical properties of bcc transition metals in the range 0-40 eV;
P. Romaniello, P. L. de Boeij, F. Carbone, and D. van der Marel;
Physical Review B 73, 075115 (2006)
141. Electronic structure of MnSi: The role of electron-electron interactions;
F. Carbone, M. Zangrando, A. Brinkman, A. Nicolaou, F. Bondino, E.Magnano, A.A. Nugroho, Th. Jarlborg, and D. van der Marel;
Physical Review B 73, 085114 (2006)
140. Suppressed reflectivity due to spin-controlled localization in a magnetic semiconductor;
F.P. Mena, J.F. DiTusa, D. van der Marel, G. Aeppli, D.P. Young, A.Damascelli, J.A. Mydosh;
Physical Review B 73, 085205 (2006)
139. Strong magnetic pair breaking in Mn substituted MgB2 single crystals;
K. Rogacki, B. Batlogg, J. Karpinski, N. D. Zhigadlo, G. Schuck, S. M.Kazakov, P. Wagli, R. Puzniak, A. Wisniewski, F. Carbone, A. Brinkman, D. vander Marel;
Physical Review B 73, 174520 (2006)
138. Anisotropic optical conductivity and two colors of MgB2;
V. Guritanu, A. B. Kuzmenko, D. van der Marel, S.M. Kazakov, N.D.Zhigadlo, and J. Karpinski;
Physical Review B 73, 104509 (2006)
137. Temperature-modulation analysis of superconductivity-induced transfer of in-plane spectral weight in Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8;
A. B. Kuzmenko, H. J. A. Molegraaf, F. Carbone, and D. van der Marel;
Physical Review B 72, 144503 (2005)
136. Oxygen isotope effect and phase separation in the optical conductivity of (La0.5Pr0.5)0.7Ca0.3MnO3 thin films;
F. P. Mena, A. B. Kuzmenko, A. Hadipour, J. L. M. van Mechelen, D. vander Marel, and N. A. Babushkina;
Physical Review B 72, 134422 (2005)
135. Optical conductivity of CeMIn5 (M=Co, Rh, Ir)
F. P. Mena, D. van der Marel, J.L. Sarrao;
Physical Review B 72, 045119 (2005)
134. Optical spectroscopy of plasmons and excitons in cuprate superconductors;
D. van der Marel;
Journal of Superconductivity 17, 559 (2004), in Festschrift dedicated to Professor Michael Tinkham on the occasion of his 75th birthday
133. Expert Opinion, Electrons and bursting waterworks;
D. van der Marel;
Physica Status Solidi B 241, 1391 (2004)
132. Structural, electronic, and magneto-optical properties of YVO3;
A. A. Tsvetkov, F. P. Mena, P. H. M. van Loosdrecht, D. van der Marel,Y.Ren, A. A. Nugroho, A. A. Menovsky, I. S. Elfimov and G. A. Sawatzky;
Physical Review B 69, 075110 (2004)
131. Redistribution of the c-axis spectral weight and conductivity sum rules in LSCO as revealed by optical transmission;
Kuzmenko AB, Tombros N, Mena FP, A. Hadipour, H. J. A. Molegraaf, D. vander Marel, M. Grüninger and S. Uchida;
Physica C 408, 330-331 (2004)
130. Short-range spin- and pair-correlations: a variational wave-function;
D. van der Marel;
Synthetic Metals 141, 149 (2003); Michael J. Rice memorial issue
129. Quantum critical behaviour in a high-Tc superconductor;
D. van der Marel, H. J. A. Molegraaf, J. Zaanen, Z. Nussinov, F. Carbone,A. Damascelli, H. Eisaki, M. Greven, P. H. Kes, & M. Li;
Nature 425, 271 (2003)
128. Comment on “Phase Diagram of La2-xSrxCuO4 Probed in the Infrared: Imprints of Charge Stripe Excitations”;
S. Tajima, S. Uchida, D. van der Marel, D. N. Basov;
Physical Review Letters 91, 129701 (2003)
127. c-Axis Optical Sum Rule and a Possible New Collective Mode in La2- xSrxCuO4;
A. B. Kuzmenko, N. Tombros, H. J. A. Molegraaf, M. Grueninger, D. van der Marel, and S. Uchida;
Physical Review Letters 91, 037004 (2003)
126. Heavy Carriers and Non-Drude Optical Conductivity in MnSi;
F. P. Mena, D. van der Marel, M. Faeth, A. A. Menovsky, J. A. Mydosh;
Physical Review B 67, R241101 (2003)
125. Superconductivity by kinetic energy saving?;
D. van der Marel, H. J. A. Molegraaf, C. Presura and I. Santoso;
Chapter in « Concepts in electron correlation », Edited by A.Hewson and V. Zlatic, Kluwer (2003), 7
124. Optical signatures of electron correlations in the cuprates;
D. van der Marel;
Chapter in « Strong interactions in low dimensions », series: Physics and Chemistry of Materials with Low-Dimensional Structures, Vol. 25,Dionys Baeriswyl (Editor), L. Degiorgi (Editor), Kluwer (2005), VI, ISBN:1-4020-1798-7
123. Signatures of polaronic excitations in quasi-one-dimensional LaTiO3.41;
C. A. Kuntscher, D. van der Marel, M. Dressel, F. Lichtenberg, and J.Mannhart ;
Physical Review B 67, 035105 (2003)
122. Charge and sodium ordering in Na0.33V2O5;
P. H. M. van Loosdrecht, C. N. Presura, M. Popinciuc, D. van der Marel,G. Maris, T. T. M. Palstra, P. J. M. van Bentum, H. Yamada, T. Yamauchi, and Y.Ueda;
Journal of Superconductivity:Incorporating Novel Magnetism 15, 587 (2002)
121. Charge ordering signatures in the optical properties of Na0.33V2O5;
C. Presura, M. Popinciuc, P. H. M. van Loosdrecht, D. van der Marel, G.Maris, T. T. M. Palstra, H. Yamada, and Y. Ueda;
Physical Review Letters 90, 026402 (2003)
120. Selective coherent excitation of charge density waves;
A.A. Tsvetkov, D.M. Sagar, P. H. M. van Loosdrecht, D. van der Marel, andS. van Smaalen;
Acta Physica Polonica B 34, 387 (2003)
119. Creation of 1s ortho-excitons due to two photon absorption by high energy excitons in Cu2O;
K. Karpinska, P. H. M. van Loosdrecht, D. van der Marel, and A.Revcolevschi;
Proceedings of the 26th ICPS (2002)
118. Optical and magneto-optical study of orbital and spin ordering in YVO3;
A. A. Tsvetkov, F. P. Mena, Y. Ren, I. S. Elfimov, P. H. M. van Loosdrecht,D. van der Marel, A. A. Nugroho, A. A. Menovsky, and G. A. Sawatzky;
Physica B 312, 783 (2002)
117. Condensation Energy and High Tc Superconductivity;
D. van der Marel, A.J. Leggett, J.W. Loram, J.R. Kirtley;
Physical Review B Rapid Communications 66, R140501 (2002)
116. Superconductivity Induced Transfer of In-Plane Spectral Weight in BiSr2CaCu2O8+d;
H. J. A. Molegraaf, C. Presura, D. van der Marel, P. H. Kes, and M. Li;
Science 295, 2239 (2002)
115. Magnetic Field Dependence of the Transverse Plasmon in SmLa0.8Sr0.2CuO4-d;
A. Pimenov, A. Loidl, D. Dulic, D. van der Marel, and A. A. Menovsky;
Physical Review Letters 87, 177003 (2001)
114. Superconductivity in MgB2: Clean or Dirty?;
I. I. Mazin, O. K. Andersen, O. Jepsen, O.V. Dolgov, J. Kortus, A. A.Golubov, A. B. Kuzmenko, and D. van der Marel;
Physical Review Letters 89, 107002 (2002)
113. Manifestation of multiband optical properties of MgB2;
A.B.Kuzmenko, F.P.Mena, H.J.A.Molegraaf, D.van der Marel, B.Gorshunov,M.Dressel, I.I.Mazin, J.Kortus, O.V.Dolgov, T.Muranaka, J.Akimitsu;
Solid State Communications, 121, 479 (2002)
112. Optical measurements of the superconducting gap in MgB2;
B. Gorshunov, C. A. Kuntscher, P. Haas, M. Dressel, F. P. Mena, A. B.Kuzmenko, D. van der Marel, T. Muranaka, J. Akimitsu;
European Physics Journal B 21, 159 (2001)
111. Optical signatures of electron correlations in the cuprates;
D. van der Marel;
Lecture Notes. Trieste miniworkshop, Strong Correlation in the high Tcera, July 17 – 28, ICTP, Trieste, Italy (2000)
110. Unconventional Energetics of the Pseudogap State and of Superconducting State in High-Tc Cuprates;
D.N. Basov, C.C. Homes, E.J. Singley, M. Strongin, T. Timusk, G.Blumberg, D. van der Marel;
Physical Review B 63, 134514 (2001)
109. Observation of the Transverse Optical Plasmon in SmLa0.8Sr0.2CuO4-d;
D. Dulic, A. Pimenov, D. van der Marel, D.M. Broun, S. Kamal, W.N. Hardy,A.A. Tsvetkov, I.M. Sutjaha, Ruixing Liang, A.A. Menovsky, A. Loidl and S.S.Saxena;
Physical Review Letters 86, 4144 (2001)
108. Transverse optical plasmons, equations of motion;
D. van der Marel, and A. A. Tsvetkov;
Physical Review B 64, 024530 (2001)
107. Infrared and optical spectroscopy of alpha and gamma-phase Ce;
J.W. van der Eb, A.B. Kuz’menko and D. van der Marel;
Physical Review Letters 86, 3407 (2001)
106. Effects of Vortex Pinning and Thermal Fluctuations on the Josephson Plasma Resonance in Tl2 Ba2CaCu2O8 and YBa2Cu3O6.5;
D. Dulic, S.J. Hak, D. van der Marel, W.N. Hardy, R. Liang, D.A. Bonn,A.E. Koshelev and B.A. Willemsen;
Physical Review Letters 86, 4660 (2001)
105 C-Axis Infrared Spectra of Bilayer High Tc Cuprates: The Effect of Intrabilayer Josephson Coupling;
V. Zelezny, S. Tajima, T. Motohashi, J. Shimoyama, K. Kishio and D. vander Marel;
in: Advances in Superconductivity XII (2000) p. 41-44 (eds. T. Yamashitaand K. Tanabe) Proceedings of the 12th International Symposium onSuperconductivity (ISS ’99), October 17-19, 1999, Morioka.
104. Optical properties and electronic structure of Na1-xCaxV2O5;
C. Presura, D. van der Marel, M. Dischner, C. Geibel, R.K. Kremer;
Physical Review B 62, 16522 (2000)
103. C-axis optical properties of high Tc cuprates;
D. van der Marel, A. Tsvetkov, M. Grueninger, D. Dulic, H.J.A. Molegraaf;
Physica C 341-348, 1531 (2000)
102. Infrared spectroscopic study of CuO: signatures of strong spin-phonon interaction and structural distortion;
A. B. Kuz’menko, D. van der Marel, P. J. M. van Bentum, E. A. Tishchenko,C. Presura, and A. A. Bush;
Physical Review B 63, 94303 (2001)
101. Low temperature ellipsometry of NaV2O5;
C. Presura, D. van der Marel, A. Damascelli, R. K. Kremer;
Physical Review B 61, 15762 (2000)
100. Origin of Anomalous Bump at Low Temperatures in the c-Axis Optical Conductivity of High-Tc Cuprates;
V. Zelezny, S. Tajima, T. Motohashi, J. Shimoyama, K. Kishio, and D. vander Marel;
Journal of Low Temperature Physics 117, 1019 (1999)
99. Fermi Surface of Bi2212: a Systematic Revisit and Identification of almost perfectly nested Fermi surface Segments;
D. L. Feng, W. J. Zheng, K. M. Shen, D. H. Lu, F. Ronning, J.-i.Shimoyama, K. Kishio, G. Gu, D. van der Marel, Z.-X. Shen;
98. C-axis Penetration Depth and Inter-layer Conductivity in the Thallium Based Cuprate Superconductors;
D. Dulic, D. van der Marel, A. A. Tsvetkov, W. N. Hardy, Z. F. Ren, J. H.Wang, B. A. Willemsen;
Physical Review B Rapid Communications 60, R15051 (1999)
97. Charged Magnons and Magneto-Elastic Polarons in the MIR Spectrum of YBa2Cu3O6;
M. Grueninger, D. van der Marel, A. Damascelli, A. Zibold, H.P. Geserich,A. Erb, M. Klaeser, Th. Wolf, T. Nunner, and T. Kopp;
Physica C 317-318, 286 (1999)
96. Hoge Tc supergeleiders blijvenraadselachting;
D. van der Marel;
Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Natuurkunde 65, 206 (1999)
95. Phonon anomalies versus magnetic ordering in CuO;
A.B. Kuzmenko, D. van der Marel, P.J.M. van Bentum, E.A. Tishchenko, C.Presura, and A.A. Bush;
Physica B 284, 1396 (2000)
94. Optical Spectroscopic Study of the Interplay of Spin and Charge in NaV2O5;
A. Damascelli, D. van der Marel, C. Presura, J. Jegoudez, and A.Revcolevschi;
Physical Review B 61, 2535 (2000)
93. Optical Spectroscopy of Pure and Doped CuGeO3;
A. Damascelli, D. van der Marel, G. Dhalenne, and A. Revcolevschi;
Physical Review B 61, 12063 (2000)
92. Midinfrared absorption in YBa2Cu3O6: Evidence for a failure of spin-wave theory for spin 1/2 in two dimensions;
M. Grueninger, D. van der Marel, A. Damascelli, A. Erb, T. Nunner and T.Kopp;
Physical Review B 62, 12422 (2000)
91. Anisotropy of the optical conductivity of high Tc cuprates;
D. van der Marel;
Physical Review B Rapid Communications 60, R765 (1999)
90. Observation of out-of-phase bilayer plasmons in YBa2Cu3O7-d;
M. Grueninger, D. van der Marel, A.A. Tsvetkov, A. Erb;
Physical Review Letters 84, 1575 (2000)
89. Systematics of c-axis phonons in the thallium and bismuth based cuprate superconductors;
A.A. Tsvetkov, D. Dulic, D. van der Marel, A. Damascelli, G.A.Kaljushnaia, J.I. Gorina, N.N. Senturina, N.N. Kolesnikov, Z.F. Ren, J.H. Wang,A.A. Menovsky, T.T.M. Palstra;
Physical Review B 60, 13196 (1999)
88. Anomalous millimeter-wave absorption in the superconducting phase of La2-xSrxCuO4;
A.V. Pronin, B.P. Gorshunov, A.A. Volkov, H.S. Somal, D.van der Marel,B.J. Feenstra, Y. Jaccard, J.-P. Locquet;
JETP Letters 68, 432 (1998)
87. Global and local measures of the intrinsicJosephs on coupling in Tl2Ba2CuO6 as a test of the interlayer tunnelling model;
A.A. Tsvetkov, D. van der Marel, K.A. Moler, J.R. Kirtley, J.L. de Boer,A. Meetsma, Z.F. Ren, N. Koleshnikov, D.Dulic, A. Damascelli, M. Grueninger, J.Schuetzmann,J.W.van der Eb, H.S. Somal, and J.H. Wang;
Nature 395, 360 (1998)
86. Interlayer tunnelling mechanism: experimental test of single layer compounds;
A. A. Tsvetkov, D. van der Marel, D. Dulic, H. J. Molegraaf, N. N.Kolesnikov, B. Willemsen, Z. F. Ren;
Proceedings of the SPIE Meeting, Superconducting Superlattices II: Nativeand Artificial, San Diego, USA, 19-24 July 1998.
85. The Symmetry Problem in NaV2O5;
A. Damascelli, D. van der Marel, J. Jegoudez, G. Dhalenne, and A.Revcolevschi;
Physica B 259-261, 978 (1999)
84. Direct Two-Magnon Optical Absorption inNaV2O5: Charged Magnons;
A. Damascelli, D. van der Marel, M. Grueninger, C. Presura, T.T.M.Palstra, J. Jegoudez, and A. Revcolevschi;
Physical Review Letters 81, 918 (1998)
83. Non-equilibrium Superconductivity and Quasiparticle Dynamics studied by Photo Induced Activation of Mm-WaveAbsorption (PIAMA);
B. J. Feenstra, J. Schuetzmann, D. van der Marel, R. Perez Pinaya, and M.Decroux;
Physical Review Letters 79, 4890 (1997)
82. Spin, Charge, and Bonding in Transition Metal Mono Silicides;
D. van der Marel, A. Damascelli, K. Schulte, and A. A. Menovsky;
Physica B 244, 138 (1998)
81. Infrared spectroscopy on Y1-xRExBa2Cu3-yZnyO6 (RE=Pr,Gd; x=0 and 0.8 y=0 and 0.15);
M. Grueninger, D. van der Marel, H. P. Geserich, Th. Wolf, A. Erb, and T.Kopp;
LEES ’97 Conf. Ascona, Switzerland, June 1997, Physica B 244, 60 (1998)
80. Dynamical conductivity of an MBE-grown La1.84Sr0.16CuO4 thin film at frequencies from 5 to 36 cm-1;
B. P. Gorshunov, A.V. Pronin, A. A. Volkov, H.S. Somal, D. van der Marel,B. J. Feenstra, Y. Jaccard, and J. P. Locquet;
LEES ’97 Conf. Ascona, Switzerland, June 1997, Physica B 244, 15 (1998)
79. Infrared Reflectivity of Pure and Doped CuGeO3;
A. Damascelli, D. van der Marel, F. Parmigiani, G. Dhalenne and A.Revcolevschi;
Physica B 244, 114 (1998)
78. Infrared Signatures of the Spin-PeierlsTransition in CuGeO3;
A. Damascelli, D. van der Marel, F. Parmigiani, G. Dhalenne and A.Revcolevschi;
Physical Review B Rapid Communications 56, R11373 (1997)
77. Penetration Depth and Conductivity of NbN and DyBa2Cu3O7 Thin Films measured by mm-Wave Transmission;
B. J. Feenstra, F. C. Klaassen, D. van der Marel, Z. Barber, R. PerezPinaya and M. Decroux;
Physica C 278, 213 (1997)
76. Optical Phonons in the Reflectivity Spectrum of FeSi;
A. Damascelli, K. Schulte, D. van der Marel, J. Mydosh, M. Faeth, J.Aarts and A.A. Menovsky;
Physica B 230-232, 787 (1997)
75. c-Axis Infrared Properties of Sm2-xCexCuO4;
Jae Hoon Kim, Beom-hoan O, J.T Markert and D. van der Marel;
Physica C 282-287, 1023 (1997)
74. Characterization of Superconducting Thin Films using Mm-Wave Transmission;
B. J. Feenstra, F. C. Klaassen, D. van der Marel, Z. Barber, R. PerezPinaya and M. Decroux;
International Conference on Millimeter and Submillimeter Waves and Applications III Denver, Colorado 1996. SPIE proceedings, vol. 2842, 480 (1996)
73. Infrared Spectroscopic Study of Phonons Coupled to Charge Excitations in FeSi;
A. Damascelli, K. Schulte, D. van der Marel and A.A. Menovsky;
Physical Review B Rapid Communications 55, R4863 (1997)
72. In-plane response of Bi2Sr2CuO6 single crystal;
A.A. Tsvetkov, J. Schuetzmann, J. I. Gorina, G.A. Kaljushnaia, and D. vander Marel;
Physical Review B 55, 14152 (1997)
71. Experimental Test of the Inter-Layer Pairing Models for High-Tc Superconductivity Using Grazing Incidence Infrared Reflectometry;
J. Schuetzmann, H.S. Somal, A.A. Tsvetkov, D. van der Marel, G. Koops, N.Koleshnikov, Z.F. Ren, J.H. Wang, E. Brueck and A.A. Menovski;
Physical Review B 55, 11118 (1997)
70. Transverse optical plasmons in ordered and disordered Josephson-coupled superconducting multilayers;
D. van der Marel and A. Tsvetkov;
Proceedings of LT21, Prague August 8-14, 1996, Czechoslovak Journal of Physics 46, Part S6 – Plenary and invited papers 3165 (1996) .
69. Far- and Mid-Infrared Spectrum of YBa2Cu3O6.0 in High Magnetic Fields;
M. Grueninger, D. van der Marel, P.J.M. van Bentum, A. Erb, H.P.Geserich, and T. Kopp;
Journal of Low Temperature Physics 105, 389 (1996)
68. Probing the Mid-Infrared Spectrum of YBa2Cu3O6.0 with High Magnetic Fields and Zinc Doping;
M. Grueninger, D. van der Marel, P.J.M. van Bentum, A. Erb, Th. Wolf, andT. Kopp;
International Conference on Low Temperature Physics, Prague, 1996.Czechoslovak Journal of Physics, vol. 46 Suppl. S2, 1127 (1996)
67. c-Axis Excitations in High-Tc Superconductors Detected by Grazing Incidence Reflectivity Measurements;
J. Schuetzmann, H.S. Somal, J. van der Eb, D. van der Marel, A.A.Tsvetkov, R.L. Greene, N. Koleshnikov, V.H. Duijn, N.T. Hien and A.A. Menovsky;
International Conference on Low Temperature Physics, Prague, 1996.Czechoslovak Journal of Physics, vol. 46 Suppl. S2, 1129 (1996)
66. Electrodynamical properties of high Tc superconductors studied with angle resolved infrared spectroscopy;
D. van der Marel, H.S. Somal, B.J. Feenstra, J.E. van der Eb, J.Schuetzmann, Jae Hoon Kim;
Proceedings 10th Anniversary HTS Workshop on Physics, Materials \&Applications, 12-16 March 1996, Houston, U.S.A. World Scientific Publishers, 357 (1996)
65. Grazing Incidence Infrared Reflectivity of La1.85Sr0.15CuO4 and NbN;
H.S. Somal, B.J. Feenstra, J. Schuetzmann, D. van der Marel, J.H. Kim,Z.H. Barber, V.H.M. Duijn, N.T. Hien, A.A. Menovsky, M. Palumbo;
Physical Review Letters 76, 1525 (1996)
64. Hoe goed begrijpen wij hoge-temperatuursupergeleiding?;
D.I. Khomskii en D. van der Marel;
Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Natuurkunde 62, 39 (1996)
63. Infrared Anisotropy and Plasmons in High-Temperature Superconductors;
Jae. H. Kim, B.J. Feenstra, H. S. Somal, D. van der Marel, A. Wittlin,V.H.M. Duijn, A.A. Menovsky and Wen Y. Lee;
Synthetic Metals 71, 1577 (1995)
62. In-Plane and Out-of-Plane Charge Dynamics of High-Tc Cuprates;
D. van der Marel and Jae H. Kim;
Journal of Phys. Chem. of Solids 56, 1825 (1995)
61. Koperoxide hogeTc-supergeleiders;
D. van der Marel en D.I. Khomskii;
Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Natuurkunde 61, 223 (1995)
60. The use of far-infrared ellipsometry in the study of high-temperature superconductors: possibilities and limitations;
K. Kamaras, D. van der Marel, C.C. Homes and T. Timusk;
Physica C 235-240, 1085 (1994)
59. Collective modes of spin, density, phase and amplitude in exotic superconductors;
D. van der Marel;
Physical Review B. 51, 1147 (1995)
58. Strong damping of the c-axis plasmon in highTc cuprate superconductors;
Jae H. Kim, H.S. Somal, D. van der Marel, A.M. Gerrits, A. Wittlin,V.H.M. Duijn, N.T. Hien and A.A. Menovsky;
Physica C 247, 297 (1995)
57. Damping Mechanism of the Strongly Renormalized c-Axis Plasma Frequency in High-Tc Cuprates;
D. van der Marel, Jae H. Kim, H.S. Somal, B.J. Feenstra, A. Wittlin,A.V.H.M. Duijn, A.A. Menovsky and Wen Y. Lee;
M2S-IV (1994) Grenoble, France, Physica C 235-240, 1145 (1994)
56. Doping Dependence of the Chemical Potential in Cuprate High-Tc Superconductors II:(Bi,Pb)2Sr2Ca2Cu3O10+d;
G. Rietveld, S.J. Collocott, R. Driver, D. van der Marel;
Physica C 241, 273 (1995)
55. Doping Dependence of the Chemical Potential in Cuprate High-Tc Superconductors I: La2-xSrxCuO4;
G. Rietveld, M. Glastra, D. van der Marel;
Physica C 241, 257 (1995)
54. Long range Coulomb forces and the behaviour of the chemical potential of electrons at a second order phase transition;
D. van der Marel, D.I. Khomskii, G.M. Eliashberg;
Physical Review B 50, 16594 (1994)
53. Interlayer optical conductivity of a superconducting bilayer;
Yu. N. Gartstein, M.J. Rice and D. van der Marel;
Physical Review B 49, 6360 (1994)
52. Observation of the Holstein shift in high Tc superconductors with thermal modulation reflectometry;
O.V. Dolgov, A.E. Karakozov, A.M. Mikhailovsky, B.J. Feenstra, D. van der Marel;
Physica C 229, 396 (1994)
51. c-axis infrared response of Tl2Ba2Ca2Cu3O studied by oblique-incidence polarized-reflectivity measurements;
Jae Kim, B.J. Feenstra, H.S. Somal, Wen Y. Lee, A.M. Gerrits, A. Wittlin,D. van der Marel;
Physical Review B 49, 13065 (1994)
50. Scaling of the Hall coefficient and resistivity in underdoped and overdoped RBa2Cu3Oy films;
N. Y. Chen, V. C. Matijasevic, J. E. Mooij, and D. van der Marel;
Physical Review B 50, 16125 (1994)
49. Comment on “Superconducting phases of Bi and Ga induced by deposition on a Ni sublayer”;
J.A. van Hulst, G. Rietveld, D. van der Marel, F. Tuinstra and H.M.Jaeger;
Physical Review B 47, 548 (1993)
48. The chemical potential and thermodynamic properties of narrow band superconductors;
D. van der Marel and G. Rietveld;
‘Electronic properties of high T c materials. The normal andsuperconducting state of High Tc materials.’, Editors: H. Kuzmany, M. Mehring, J. Fink, Springer Series in Solid State Sciences, (1993)
47. Enhanced ac conductivity below Tc in films ofYBa2Cu3O7-d;
J. T. Moonen, L.J. Adriaanse, H.B. Brom, N.Y. Chen, D. van der Marel, M.L. Horbach, and W. van Saarloos;
Physical Review B 47, 14525 (1993)
46. Comment to: “Evidence for ab-plane Coupling to Longitudinal c-axis Phonons in High Tc Superconductors”; By M. Reedyk and T. Timusk;
D. van der Marel, B. J. Feenstra, and A. Wittlin;
Physical Review Letters 71, 2676 (1993)
45. The plasmon density of states of a layered electron gas;
H. Morawitz, I.Bozovic, V.Z. Kresin, G. Rietveld, and D. van der Marel;
Zeitschrift für Physik B 90, 277 (1993)
44. Anomalous temperature dependence of the workfunction in YBa2Cu3O7-d;
G. Rietveld, N. Y. Chen, D. van der Marel;
Physical Review Letters 69, 2578 (1992)
43. Universal jump in slope of the chemical potential at second order phase transitions;
D. van der Marel, and G. Rietveld;
Physical Review Letters 69, 2575 (1992)
42. Non-BCS behaviour of the superconducting order parameter in YBa2Cu3O7 studied with infrared spectroscopy;
D. van der Marel, A. Wittlin, H.U. Habermeier and D. Heitmann;
Physica C 180, 112 (1991)
41. Localized superconductivity;
D. van der Marel, and J. E. Mooij;
Physical Review B. 45, 9940 (1992)
40. The Hebel-Slichter enhancement in narrow bandsystems;
H. B. Brom, and D. van der Marel;
Physica C 188, 1457 (1991)
39. Infrared study of the superconducting phase transition in YBa2Cu3O7-x;
D. van der Marel, H.U. Habermeier, D. Heitmann, W. Koenig and A. Wittlin;
Physica C 176, 1 (1991)
38. X-ray Photoelectron and Auger Electron Spectroscopy of Oxygen in La2-xSrxCuO4;
G. Rietveld, M. Glastra, S.M. Verbrugh and D. van der Marel;
Physica C 186, 829 (1991)
37. In situ growth of high temperature superconductor thin films by reactive co-evaporation techniques at low oxygen pressure using ozone;
H.M.Appelboom, A.W. Fortuin, H.I. de Groot, G. Rietveld, V. Matijasevic,P. Hadley, D. van der Marel and J.E.Mooij;
Journal of Less-Common Metals 164 & 165, 407413 (1990)
36. YBa2Cu3O7 thin films grown in-situ by laser ablation;
N.Y. Chen, K. van Dijk, L.W. Lander, H.M. Appelboom, D. van der Marel, P.Hadley and J.E.Mooij;
Journal of Less-Common Metals (1990)
35. Search for deviations of time-reversal symmetry in YBa2Cu3O7 using transport measurements;
H.P.Assink, N.Y. Chen, H.U. Habermeier and D. van der Marel;
Journal of Less-Common Metals (1990)
34. Auger spectra and bandstructure of La1.85(Sr,Ba)0.15CuO4;
R. Bar-Deroma, J. Felsteiner, R. Brener, J. Ashkenazi and D. van der Marel;
Physical Review B. 45, 2361 (1992)
33. Determination of the Coulomb parameters of La1.85(Sr,Ba)0.15CuO4 from Auger spectroscopy and electronic bandstructure;
R. Bar-Deroma, J.Felsteiner, R. Brener, J. Ashkenazi and D. van der Marel;
Proceedings of Miami Workshop; Electronic structure and mechanismsfor high temperature superconductivity; Edited by J. Ashkenazi and G.Vezzoli, Plenum Publishing company 215 (1991)
32. Infrared Study of the Order parameter in YBa2Cu3O7: Analogy to short range order in itinerant Ferromagnets;
D. van der Marel;
Proceedings of Miami Workshop: Electronic structure and mechanisms for high temperature superconductivity; Edited by J.Ashkenazi and G.Vezzoli, Plenum Publishing company 197 (1991)
31. Two-fluid interpretation of the infrared reflectivity of superconducting Y1Ba2Cu3O7-x ;
D. van der Marel;
Proceedings of the XIV International School of Theoretical Physics;Strongly correlated electron systems and High Tc superconductivity;Szczyrk-Bita, Polen, 15-22 september 1990 World Scientific publishers 106 (1991)
30. High quality flux control system for electron gun evaporation;
H.M. Appelboom, P. Hadley, D. van der Marel and J.E. Mooij;
IEEE Transactions of Magnetics 27, 1467 (1991)
29. Observable anomalies in cuprate superconductors related to a cross-over from BCS pairing to Bose-Einstein condensation;
D. van der Marel;
in “Electronic properties of high temperature superconductors”, Editors:H. Kuzmany, M. Mehring, J. Fink, Springer Series in Solid State Sciences 99, 401(1990)
28. Infrared observation of two-fluid superconductivity in Y1Ba2Cu3O7-x;
D. van der Marel, M. Bauer, E.H. Brandt, H.U. Habermeier, D. Heitmann, W.Koenig and A. Wittlin;
Physical Review B 43, 8606 (1991)
27. Gauge invariance and absence of exact conductance quantization in quantum ballistic transport;
D. van der Marel;
Physical Review B 43, 3469 (1991)
26. Temperature dependence of the chemical potential of high Tc superconductors;
G.Rietveld, M. A. van Veenendaal, D. van der Marel and J.E.Mooij;
Physica C 165 & 166, 1605 (1990)
25. In situ growth of high temperature superconductor thin films with evaporation techniques using ozone as an oxygen source;
H.M. Appelboom, J.P. Adriaanse, A.W. Fortuin, H.I. de Groot, S.M.Verbrugh, G. Rietveld, P. Hadley, D. van der Marel and J.E.Mooij;
Physica C 165 & 166, 1497 (1990)
24. Anomalous behaviour of the chemical potential in superconductors with a low density of charge carriers;
D. van der Marel;
Physica C 165, 35 (1990)
23. Theory of the quantum ballistic transport in constrictions and quantum resonance devices;
D. van der Marel;
Nanostructures Physics and Fabrication, 149 (1989)
22. Energy dependance of the Andreev reflection of YBa2Cu3O7-d;
H. van Kempen, H.F.C. Hoevers, P.J.M. van Bentum, A.J.G. Schellingerhout and D. van der Marel;
IBM Journal of Research and Development 33, 389 (1989)
21. Model calculations of the quantum ballistic transport in two-dimensional constriction type microstructures;
D. van der Marel and E.G. Haanappel;
Physical Review B 39, 7811 (1989)
20. Conductance oscillations in two-dimensional Sharvin point contacts;
E.G. Haanappel and D. van der Marel;
Physical Review B 39, 5484 (1989)
19. Electron-electron interaction and localization in d and f transition metals;
D. van der Marel and G.A. Sawatzky;
Physical Review B 37, 10674 (1988)
18. Quantized conductance of point contacts in a two-dimensional electron gas;
B.J. van Wees, H. van Houten, C.W.J. Beenakker, J.G. Williamson, L.P.Kouwenhoven, D. van der Marel and C.T. Foxon;
Physical Review Letters 60, 848 (1988)
17. Thin films of YBaCuO by e-beam evaporation;
J.E.Mooij, D. van der Marel, H.M.Appelboom, A.J.G. Schellingerhout,R.H.M. van de Leur and D. Schalkoord;
Physica C 153-155, 771(1988)
16. Valence band studies of YBaCuO thin films;
D. van der Marel, D. Heitmann, J. van Elp, G.A. Sawatzky and J.E.Mooij;
Physica C 153-155, 1445 (1988)
15. Determination of the energy gap in a thin YBaCuO film by Andreev reflection and by tunneling;
H.F.C. Hoevers, P.J.M. van Bentum, L.E.C. van de Leemput, H. van Kempen,A.J.G. Schellingerhout and D. van der Marel;
Physica C 152, 105 (1988)
14. X-ray photoemission, bremsstrahlung, Auger electron and optical studies of YBaCuO thin films;
D. van der Marel, J. van Elp, G.A. Sawatzky and D. Heitmann;
Physical Review B 37, 5136 (1988)
13. Analysis of Y1Ba2Cu3O7-y thin films on sapphire substrates made by electron beam evaporation;
A.J.G. Schellingerhout, R.H.M. van de Leur, D. Schalkoord, D. van der Marel and J.E.Mooij;
Zeitschrift für Physik B Condensed Matter 71, 1 (1988)
12. Local Lattice relaxation and electronic structure of Dilute CuPd alloys;
P. Weightman, H. Wright, S.D. Waddington, D.van der Marel, G.A. Sawatzky,G.P. Diakan and D. Norman;
Physical Review B 36, 9098 (1987)
11. The 7Li knight shift of Li-AuAlloys; Properties of the Solid compound LiAu;
C. van der Marel, W. Geertsma, E.Drent, P. Kuiper, D. van der Marel, W.van der Lugt;
Zeitschrift für Physikalische Chemie Neue Folge, Bd. 156, 569 (1988)
10. The use of Cooper minima effects and resonant photoemission in the study of the electronic structure of dilute alloys;
W. Folkerts, D. van der Marel, C. Haas, G.A. Sawatzky, D. Norman,H.Padmore, H. Wright, P. Weightman;
Journal of Physics F 17, 657 (1987)
9. Pd and Pt impurity-induced changes in noble-metal density of states: comparison of Photoelectron spectroscopy and theory;
D. van der Marel, J.A. Julianus and G.A. Sawatzky;
Physical Review B 32, 6331 (1985)
8. Microscopic theory for triplet pairing in an Anderson Lattice;
D. van der Marel and G.A. Sawatzky;
Solid State Communications 55, 937 (1985)
7. Electronic structure of Mn impurities in noble metals;
D. van der Marel, C. Westra, G.A. Sawatzky and F.U. Hillebrecht;
Physical Review B 31, 1936 (1985)
6. A Unified approach to residual resistivity,thermoelectric power, ultraviolet photo electron spectroscopy and De Haas-Van Alphen measurements on dilute Cu-Ni, CuPd, CuRh and CuPt alloys;
J.A. Julianus, A. Myers, F.F. Bekker, D. van der Marel and E.F. Allen;
Journal of Physics F 15, 111 (1985)
5. Direct observation of the exchange-split virtual bound state in dilute Mn alloys;
D. van der Marel, G.A. Sawatzky and F.U. Hillebrecht;
Physical Review Letters 53, 206 (1984)
4. Unoccupied band critical point energies of noble metals determined with Bremsstrahlung isochromat spectroscopy;
D. van der Marel, G.A. Sawatzky, R. Zeller, F.U. Hillebrecht and J.C.Fuggle;
Solid State Communications 50, 47 (1984)
3. Auger line shape in alloys;
M.Vos, D. van der Marel and G.A. Sawatzky;
Physical Review B 29, 3073 (1984)
2. Spin-orbit and crystal-field effects in AgPt dilute alloys;
D. van der Marel, G.A. Sawatzky and J.A. Julianus;
Journal of Physics F 14, 281 (1984)
1. Raman spectroscopy of BaF2:R3+ and SrF2:R3+solid solutions between 300 and 1400 K;
D. van der Marel and H. W. den Hartog;
Physical Review B 25, 6602 (1982)